How a Website Redesign Increased Lead Generation by Over 900%
Website Strategy
Website Design
CMS Development
OVERVIEW Throughout the course of agency life, you get to experience and interact with a lot of amazing people and organizations.
We were fortunate enough to meet the wonderful people at MidSouth Pain Treatment Centers.
After learning more about their challenges and goals, we built a proposal to help them redesign their website. We pitched them the addition of a new technology to build their website in. HubSpot's COS was the perfect solution to help them modernize their digital presence and lift the key metrics they were hoping to grow.
ABOUT MidSouth Pain Treatment Centers
Recently we had the pleasure of meeting and working with Felicia Klootwyk with MidSouth Pain Treatment Centers. MidSouth Pain is a collection of pain treatment centers throughout Mississippi and Tennessee. They focus on helping patients with chronic pain without the use of prescription pain killers. The commitment they show to building their community by fostering relationships that often stretch across generations has been one reason why they have been so successful. We like to think another reason was through their killer website redesign.
Their previous website was built into a content management system (CMS) that was hard to update and provided little flexibility. Making changes and updates was nearly impossible and limited to a very small window and over time and resulted in the Frankenstein-ification of a website that haunts many companies. Because there was no access to make updates or changes to their site's layout, additional content was bolted on in a makeshift fashion.
Because of the limitations of their current hosting and CMS, MidSouth Pain decided to move to HubSpot. To make the most out of their switch, they sought after a HubSpot certified partner who could help them reinvent themselves into the new HubSpot CMS platform. In addition, they were tired of having a static website that didn't do much from a business perspective. One of their main goals of this redesign was to end up with a conversion based website that focused on lead generation for the company.
SOLUTIONS How Data & Research Set Us Up for Success
The foundation of any good strategy is data. So to begin this project, we performed a Growth Driven Design Analysis. This consisted of monitoring the website through user recordings and heat maps. These data points provide insight to where people are moving their mouse, what they are clicking on, and how far down the page they are scrolling. Through this process, we were able to find out what real users found most valuable in the current website, while also incorporating that in the new site.
For MidSouth Pain, it's all about location. Users wanted to find the nearest clinic. So, we incorporated a multi-location call field in the header and presented each location's city, state and phone above the footer on every page.

In addition, we tried to bring more visibility to their primary services by presenting more general terms that would be easily identified. Users weren't searching for the medical terms of their ailments. We provided an easier user experience so visitors could find the information they were looking for much quicker.
The next step was to evaluate competitors. We saw what their immediate competitors were doing around their local area, as well as industry-wide to see what the standard was for their niche of the healthcare industry. Through our research, we found inspiration for value propositions that would set MidSouth Pain apart from their competitors. Their holistic approach to the body and alternatives to painkillers really focuses on treating the patient and not the pain.
Once we know where we stood with the current site and what we were up against, we worked together to source collaborative design inspiration. The outcome was the desire to have a clean, modern, and responsive website that utilized large imagery and maintained their brand credibility.
RESULTS What Success Looks Like for MidSouth Pain
First and foremost, the redesign took the client from an archaic content management system (CMS) into the more robust HubSpot CMS platform. This provided the access they needed to make changes and control they've been craving over their website.
Even more, built into the CMS was a modern and updated website that focused on conversion path implementation. They finally had a website that was a working arm of their sales team. Through implemented promo areas, conversion-ready forms, landing pages, the company has increased their contact list 10x over in the last year.

In addition, they're tracking for 255 keywords and accumulated over 27,000 visits. This is a significant increase from previous years although the client did not have specific metrics due to a substandard CMS. Now they have more visibility into how well their website is performing with the ease of implementing new initiatives on the fly.
- 27,000+ YTD views, Tracking 255 keywords
- From 3/16 - 7/17 cumulative increase of 4,000 - 21,000 visits and 16 contacts to 164 contacts

Forming A Great Relationship
Since the completion of the site, we have maintained a wonderful relationship with MidSouth Pain Treatment Centers. Our proof of concept has led to ongoing work through continuous improvement and expansion of the website. Now that they have a solid foundation in place, we have the opportunity to focus our efforts on new ways to promote and attract business. Through the creation of an interactive quiz as well as the incorporation of video more and more throughout the site, we are increasing engagement and decreasing bounce rates site-wide.
Although their budget was limited for ongoing work, they saw the value in working with us. We have the capability to take their site to the next level and help MidSouth Pain continue striving to present the best version of themselves on the web. The difference between good and bad web design can be thin. It's important to build your website strategy in a foundation of data to avoid subjectiveness.
Felicia Klootwyk
CONCLUSION The Importance of Speed of Trust
At Instrumental, we believe the success of this project was 100% attributed to the speed of trust. Felicia Klootwyk trusted that we were committed to doing the best possible job for MSP, and we trusted in Felicia to be a reliable partner that was just as committed to the success of this project. We would not have ended up with such a fantastic result if it weren't for all parties involved.
Two heads are better than one and through the creative process, we were able to combine efforts and work together to drive the project home. Trust is an important part of any relationship, even business. Trusting a partner to have the same goals as you and relying on their expertise can pay dividends over and over again.
Are you looking to leverage your website better? See how a solid strategy can efficient implementation can bring your online presence to the cutting edge. Fill out the form below & let's figure out what your new website could look like.